Revamping tired lamp shades

My hallway light has been looking a bit tired lately. Apart from being covered in cobwebs, dust and missing a globe, the ribbons had started to unwind and become a fire hazard! So a revamp was needed and as you know; I love doing crafty projects : )

Tired old lamp shades
Tired old lamp shades

As the the five mini lamp shades were simply wound round with translucent ribbon, it was easy to redo them in new ribbon. I also decided to add a bit of bling (you can never have too much bling…OK maybe you can).

As I had five mini lampshades to cover, I needed 10 rolls of 3 metre length ribbon. Though considering they cost only $1.25 (AU$) each, they didn’t break the bank. I was thinking of getting a white or silver ribbon, but my daughter convinced me that aqua would be nicer. I also bought some off white ribbon (2 rolls) with some cute crystal (plastic) beads to add some bling to surround the bottom circumference of the lampshades.

I started winding the ribbon around and used PVA glue and a clothes peg to keep the ribbon in place while it was drying, but I quickly abandoned this to use a hot glue gun instead. It was much quicker and it dried instantly (well almost). I only glued at the beginning and end of the ribbon lengths…not the whole way round.

After winding the ribbon around the 5 lampshades, I glued the crystal ribbon around the edges. Too easy and it only took me an hour to do! I think the light looks so much better than before. Though if you don’t like bling or having fussy decorations, you can always leave off the crystal beading at the bottom. And my daughter was right, the aqua colour looks lovely.

Much better
Much better!

You can apply this easy method on normal sized lampshades. I’m sure bedside lights would look lovely done this way too.

Lights off
Lights off



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