Caramelised onion and beetroot relish

We pulled out the last of our beetroot patch a while ago and apart from gloriously roasting them or making my divine chocolate beetroot cake; I’ve decided to make a relish with the remaining small bulbed beetroot and to pickle the rest; ensuring that my family can enjoy our beetroot until the next spring harvest….

Bailey’s chocolate cheesecake

Bailey’s liqueur, I’m sure you’ll agree, is delicious! My Aunt wonderfully gave me a bottle recently, but rather than just drinking it (highly probable) I thought I would try and experiment a bit and make a dessert. The end result is this lovely Bailey’s chocolate cheesecake. This is a no bake cheesecake recipe, which is…

Delicious homemade strawberry jam

My family recently went strawberry picking at a farm not too far from home. We had so much fun picking and eating loads of fresh sweet strawberries that I’m sure it will become an annual family tradition. The only problem of course is that we ended up with around 6 kg (13.2 pounds) of strawberries…

A unicorn rainbow funfetti birthday cake

My recently turned four year old daughter is completely obsessed with unicorns. I’m not really sure why, but she loves every sparkly rainbow glitter unicorn she has ever seen; so a unicorn cake was a necessity for her birthday this year. Thankfully unicorn cakes are so popular on Pinterest, that I didn’t have to look…

Revamping tired lamp shades

My hallway light has been looking a bit tired lately. Apart from being covered in cobwebs, dust and missing a globe, the ribbons had started to unwind and become a fire hazard! So a revamp was needed and as you know; I love doing crafty projects : ) As the the five mini lamp shades…

The humble sausage roll gets a face lift

The humble sausage roll is a family favourite in our house; they are a dinner and a kids party staple. So when I saw this sausage roll cheats version on a lifestyle show while flicking channels; I thought it was worth giving a try… OMG these are absolutely delicious!! As the sausage mix is done…

Spicy chorizo and red kidney bean vegetable soup

It’s raining; it’s pouring…and I’m in the need of a one pot winter warmer to keep me going! This tasty soup certainly meets my needs; it includes a spicy chorizo sausage to warm me up, lots of fibre and protein and heaps of nutritious vegetables. It’s actually so thick, that you could even call it…

A birthday cake fit for royalty

It was my birthday recently (lets not dwell too much on it) and I wanted to make myself a decadent and rich chocolate cake to celebrate/drown my sorrows! This no bake chocolate biscuit cake is apparently a favourite of the Queen’s as well as Prince’ William and Harry; it was even Prince William’s groom’s cake…

Pistachio cake with lime drizzle

I’ve just taken down the last of the limes from my lime tree; they were starting to fall off anyway! After giving away the majority of them, I decided it was time to try another lime cake recipe. Needless to say my husband was very happy to hear it; he LOVES limes! This recipe is definitely…

Soothing fizzy bath bombs

I love bath bombs from Lush; they smell divine, look spectacular and sooth your tired muscles! What’s not to love? My daughter’s especially love how they swirl and make the bath water sparkle and change colour. As a holiday project, we decided to try and make our own bath bombs, which are definitely a lot…

Is cinnamon babka really the ‘lesser babka’?

It’s a stormy rainy day and I’m in the mood for baking! There’s nothing quite like kneading beautiful silken yeast raised dough on a wintery day while wearing your pajamas. I obviously love the simple things in life!! Babka is a wonderful sweet bread filled with swirls of chocolate or cinnamon. It’s similar to brioche…

Unicorn Galaxy Glitter Slime

Are your children obsessed with slime? I know that mine are! So this school holidays, we decided to make our own glitter unicorn galaxy slime, or as my eldest daughter so eloquently called it; ‘unicorn poo’! She is such a delightful child… Slime is great for exploratory sensory play or as a scientific chemistry experiment…